Hi, I'm Zoe!
The one who explains it all...
You might be wondering, what do I know?
Well, a hell of a lot, as it turns out!
In the last eight years I’ve set up and run three successful businesses, two thriving social accounts and two incredible online communities. As a single mum, with a single income, I've been doing what I love for a living for a long time.
I've been teaching and mentoring creative businesses for the last five years, and three years ago I started the Stationery Sessions -a course and commnity, teaching women who work with paper how to run their own business.
Now, having demystified and simplified running a business for more than 250 people, I’m opening up access to this knowledge to everyone.
I want to empower as many people as possible to run, grow and be in control of their own business. That’s why I’m making these resources available, giving you access to my business brain at such an affordable cost.
I love using my simplifying superpowers to help you take control and make a living doing something you love too.

Want to know more?
London born and bred, I'm a divorced / co-parenting mum to a very opinionated boy.
I have a BSc in Psychology where I learned to love data. Before setting up my own businesses I spent 12 years working as an EA and office manager for large corporate teams, where - surprise surprise - my special skill was making a ninja spreadsheet and simplfying the complicated things.
I LOVE to learn. If I like something, I consume it (yes, it's very likely that there's some high level ADHD going on there). But even more, I love to illuminate. Sharing knowledge, ideas and experiences with others is my calling!
Organisation and systems are my jam. I have a brain like a robot, and can turn anything complicated into a simple list. It's a superpower.
I'm a mentor for the government funded Help to Grow scheme, and am currently undertaking an ILM level 5 in mentoring too.
I work from my home studio in North London, surrounded by stacks of notebooks, piles of paper, and an ever increasing indoor jungle.
As featured in